Friday 18 July 2014

Living with PMDD

So the time has come to discuss my experiences with what myself and my Doctor now believe to be PMDD (Pre menstrual dysphoric disorder)

It's something that occurs for me 2 weeks before menstruation begins and the array of symptoms are alarming, in a good month I will feel on edge and out of sorts, in a bad month I'm a raging monster where anxiety is extremely predominant and I don't want to see anyone or do anything socially because my cognitions are impaired.

As I have mentioned in previous posts on my introvert blog, recently I was having cognitive behavioural therapy for what I thought was social anxiety, but what was uncovered during these sessions was eye opening to say the least.

Through my therapist charting my moods each session there was a clear pattern to when anxiety would take hold of me. A cyclical pattern that would take place at a regular time every month like clockwork.

This information has been sent to my Doctor to make her aware of the severity of my symptoms and how they affect me.

I have been taking the anti depressant Sertraline for the past 8 years for general anxiety disorder (which I don't suffer with) and unfortunately that no longer controls the anxiety. Four weeks ago I had the hormonal implant Nexplanon inserted into my arm and the first two weeks were fine with no side effects, however the last two weeks I have been an emotional wreck. It is said that the implant should be given at least six weeks for the hormones to settle and I'm determined to reach that six week mark but I can't tell you how much anxiety has taken a hold of me to the point that I feel like I'm back to square one!

I'd love to hear from anyone who suffers with the same issue and to hear your experiences/treatment stories.

All the best


  1. It's interesting to compare the differences between medical practices over there and here in the US. For instance, here if a doctor prescribes an SSRI for anxiety it's usually paroxetine, not sertraline. Have they ever tried an SNRI like bupropion XL? Among the HSP's that I know that are on these types of meds, this is the only type that worked for us; SSRI's did nothing. My theory on that is the 'N' part of it - Norepinephrine aka noradrenaline. Noradrenaline is a stress hormone (and with having a more sensitive CNS it would make sense our systems put out more stress chemicals); thing is, it is *also* the only substance in the body that is BOTH a hormone AND a neurotransmitter. Now why the medical field isn't paying more attention to learning about a substance with such unique properties I can't fathom, but it DOES make perfect sense of why HSP's respond to SNRI's but not fully or at all to SSRI's. The problem may well be more to do with overproduction of noradrenaline due to the high sensitivity of the nervous system (which then imbalances the neurotransmitters), rather than the labels of 'depression' and 'anxiety' they give it. The meds like bupropion don't carry the negative side effect profile of SSRI's either like weight gain, fatigue, sleepiness, sexual side effects etc. A doc might be reluctant due to it's reputation as an 'activating' antidepressant which can cause nervousness in some people but starting at a lower dose & moving up usually minimizes the chances of that happening. (And also, those studies are gen population, not of people with potential over production of noradrenaline like HSP's) I presume they don't want to prescribe benzodiazepines (like diazepam or alprazolam)? Most docs here are reluctant I know, but if the need is only intermittent it may be something they will consider. There's also a med called buspirone for anxiety which takes a couple weeks to start seeing effects like SSRI's and SNRI's do, which might be something to consider if it's available there (not sure what is or isn't & also know meds go by different brand names in different countries so that's why I'm using their generic/scientific names). Valerian root could be very helpful though it reeks to high heaven lol; best I found is a combo product by a place called Wonder Labs which includes passion flower & magnesium as well (and doesn't reek like plain valerian does) but it does help with both anxiety and muscle pain, cramps etc.

  2. With the Nexplanon, did they offer you any other options for progestins other than that? I'm just curious as to why they would go with such a long acting and newer progestin when they didn't know yet if it would help the symptoms or not. Medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) has been around a lot longer (more studies and experience) and a single injection would have worn off on it's own in 3 months, and by then you would have known if it was helping or not. Heck MPA is available as a pill too (and could be compounded to other forms like sublingual or transdermal) so if this was just for the PMDD (and not for birth control) they could have done a trial that way before doing an implant.
    Due to my own unique medical situation I can't speak to personal experience with PMDD but I do know my hormones due to extensive endocrine research. Also due to my own situation, I've developed what I consider a healthy skepticism regarding doctors being the omnipotent authorities they often try to appear to be. (I don't expect docs to know it all, but have found the ones that are convinced that they already do are pretty much impossible to work with). If I had listened to those kinds of docs, I wouldn't still be here!
    I do hope that you will find their current treatment plan or helps or something else that will help. I know that having hormones out of whack is at times like 'someone else' has taken over your body/mind and it's extremely unnerving. The overall understanding of hormones in the medical field is pretty sad given the obviously huge role they play in health (or lack thereof); I don't understand why it hasn't received more focus and funding. And the usual day to day practitioners aren't very up to date on what IS known.
    If you'd like, I could send some current research your way on PMDD? (This is where being in college for Information Science comes in handy lol - I have access to all the journals) In any case, hope I've shared something useful and hope they figure this out and get it treated properly soon :) <3
