Monday 11 August 2014

Withdrawing from Sertraline (zoloft)

So the time has come where I have made a decision to start weaning off the drug Sertraline which I have been taking now for roughly 7 years at varying doses. I am currently taking 100mg and I'm on day three of reducing to 50mg. So far so good!

For those that don't know, I suffer with either extreme PMS or PMDD as yet undiagnosed.. I'm working on it! And for 2 weeks leading up to my period I suffer with what I can only describe as severe anxiety, mood swings, low mood and just a feeling of an altered reality almost like I'm on autopilot. 

So why come off the Sertraline you ask? Well the honest truth is that my anxiety is getting worse each month, it feels to me that the Sertaline is no longer helping nor easing my anxiety as it once did, and rather than upping the dose even more I've decided along with my doctor to switch to a different medication (Fluoxetine, Prozac) in the hope that the switch will finally give me the 'me' I know and love back. But before I can change medication I have to wean off what I am currently taking which is going to be a tricky time in those two weeks where my anxiety goes through the roof. However, although I have had many failed attempts at coming off this drug in the past I am determined to see this through, and I guess what helps is knowing that I will eventually start a new drug to get the anxiety under control once again.

So what I'm going to do is give you all weekly updates as of today as to my progress and to let you into the journey with me as I do feel that writing down and sharing my thoughts and feelings really does help with just lifting the weight off my shoulders and knowing that maybe by sharing my story I could possibly be helping someone else with their own struggles.

Prepare for rants, lots of colourful language because I like to use the word 'fucking' a lot!! But most importantly prepare for humour because it's the one thing that will guarantee a quicker recovery process and let's face it there are sooo many stories out there about people coming off whatever drug they are taking that are sooooo depressing it's enough to make people want to START taking drugs!! 

I'd love to hear from anyone who is going through or has gone through this kind of journey, as always feedback is what makes me smile 😄

As always all the best

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